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Wednesday, 4 August 2004
Damm it
Mood:  crushed out
Here's a little hint: if you have a deep thought, use Word, or Notepad, or something to type it, saving often. I just lost about 300-400 words from a Windows crash, and, at least in my opinion, it was good stuff. Was on a role. And now that thought will no coalese properly. Bummer. Kerry. Vietnam. Lt.(jg.) Doesn't necessarily make him CiC material. Senate Intelligence service (or lack thereof). All continuity on the thread of my thoughts gone.

So, in place of that, if you are looking for a good small laptop, and do not want to spend a bundle, check out the Averatec 3225. I have had it for a little over a month now, and I am extremely happy with it. 12" monitor, a little over 4 pounds. Less then a grand. WiFi G, AMD 1600+, 640 Ram, 40 GB hard drive. Perfect for those who just want some portability, but do not need a power PC. Check it out.

Posted by piratesx at 4:16 PM EDT
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